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Internet para el hogar

Internet Rápido (De Verdad)

Elevate Internet está disponible en Montrose, Olathe, Orchard City, Cedaredge, Hotchkiss, Paonia, Crawford y Delta, Colorado. Ofrecemos las mejores velocidades al mejor precio, además, nunca limitaremos tu uso de datos ni reduciremos tu velocidad porque la neutralidad de la red es algo bueno.

Planes de Internet para cada necesidad

¿Buscas la mejor velocidad para streaming o juegos? ¿O tal vez estás considerando un futuro en la minería de Bitcoin? Con velocidades de hasta 6 Gig (6,000 Mbps), tenemos el mejor internet de fibra para todo eso y mucho más. A diferencia de los proveedores de servicios de internet tradicionales, todos nuestros paquetes son simétricos gracias a nuestra tecnología de fibra. Se acabaron esas velocidades de 27 Mbps de descarga y 3 Mbps de subida. Esto significa que obtienes las mismas altas velocidades al subir y descargar; ya no tendrás que esperar para enviar tus archivos o subir tus fotos.

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400 Mbps


Internet diario para familias que transmiten y navegan.

  • 400 Mbps
  • 5 a 10 dispositivos
Datos sobre la banda ancha

Broadband Facts

Elevate Internet

400 Mbps

Fixed Broadband Consumer Disclosure

Monthly Price$54.95

This monthly price is an introductory rateNo

Additional Charges & Terms

  • One-Time Fees at the Time of Purchase
  • Standard Install$100.00
  • Government TaxesIncluded

Discounts & Bundles

Visit the following link for available discounts.


Speeds Provided with Plan

  • Typical Download Speed400 Mbps
  • Typical Upload Speed400 Mbps
  • Typical Latency 1 ms

Data Included with Monthly PriceUnlimited

Network Management

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Privacy Policy

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Customer Support

1 Gig


Trabaja y juega a velocidades máximas, ideal para el hogar moderno.

  • 940 Mbps
  • 10 a 20 dispositivos
Datos sobre la banda ancha

Broadband Facts

Elevate Internet

1 Gig

Fixed Broadband Consumer Disclosure

Monthly Price$79.95

This monthly price is an introductory rateNo

Additional Charges & Terms

  • One-Time Fees at the Time of Purchase
  • Standard Install$100.00
  • Government TaxesIncluded

Discounts & Bundles

Visit the following link for available discounts.


Speeds Provided with Plan

  • Typical Download Speed940 Mbps
  • Typical Upload Speed940 Mbps
  • Typical Latency 1 ms

Data Included with Monthly PriceUnlimited

Network Management

View Policy

Privacy Policy

View Policy

Customer Support

2 Gig


Conectividad sólida para jugar y trabajar desde casa en oficinas.

  • 2,000 Mbps
  • 20 a 30 dispositivos
Datos sobre la banda ancha

Broadband Facts

Elevate Internet

2 Gig

Fixed Broadband Consumer Disclosure

Monthly Price$124.95

This monthly price is an introductory rateNo

Additional Charges & Terms

  • One-Time Fees at the Time of Purchase
  • Standard Install$100.00
  • Government TaxesIncluded

Discounts & Bundles

Visit the following link for available discounts.


Speeds Provided with Plan

  • Typical Download Speed2,000 Mbps
  • Typical Upload Speed2,000 Mbps
  • Typical Latency 1 ms

Data Included with Monthly PriceUnlimited

Network Management

View Policy

Privacy Policy

View Policy

Customer Support

6 Gig


La mejor experiencia para los entusiastas de la tecnología y los usuarios avanzados.

  • 6,000 Mbps
  • Más de 30 dispositivos
Datos sobre la banda ancha

Broadband Facts

Elevate Internet

6 Gig

Fixed Broadband Consumer Disclosure

Monthly Price$189.95

This monthly price is an introductory rateNo

Additional Charges & Terms

  • One-Time Fees at the Time of Purchase
  • Standard Install$100.00
  • Government TaxesIncluded

Discounts & Bundles

Visit the following link for available discounts.


Speeds Provided with Plan

  • Typical Download Speed6,000 Mbps
  • Typical Upload Speed6,000 Mbps
  • Typical Latency 1 ms

Data Included with Monthly PriceUnlimited

Network Management

View Policy

Privacy Policy

View Policy

Customer Support

Lejos de lo básico

Y tú pensabas que solo era internet. La fibra óptica, lo decimos sin miedo, es de lo que están hechos los sueños.

Sin contratos

La lealtad debe ganarse, no forzarse, por lo que no hay contratos para ninguno de nuestros servicios. Trabajaremos arduamente para seguir ganando clientes todos los días.

Sin límites de datos

Odiamos los límites de datos tanto como tú, así que disfruta de nuestra conexión a internet rápida e ilimitada sin preocuparte por los excesos o la limitación de la velocidad.

Sin sorpresas

Nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer precios claros, honestos y sencillos. No hay trucos de paquetes, tarifas ocultas, pagos de arrendamiento ni niveles complicados.

Enfocado en la privacidad

Proteger tu privacidad es nuestra máxima prioridad. Nunca vendemos tus datos; permanecen privados a menos que lo exija la ley. Explore nuestra Política de Privacidad para obtener más información.

Red segura

Con nuestras líneas de fibra dedicadas, la seguridad mejorada está integrada. Disfrute de protección contra amenazas en línea, controles parentales y defensa contra el malware de forma gratuita.

Conexión confiable

La fibra ofrece una confiabilidad inigualable con cables diseñados para soportar condiciones climáticas extremas. La fibra directa a tu hogar significa que no tendrás problemas de señal por satélites o torres.

Soporte 24/7

Cuente con Elevate para obtener asistencia continua más allá del horario de oficina. Obtenga ayuda con el Wi-Fi, las conexiones y más, cuando más lo necesite.

Preparado para el futuro

A medida que la tecnología avanza rápidamente, también lo hacemos nosotros. Con nuestra infraestructura adaptable, nos mantenemos al día con las crecientes demandas de ancho de banda del futuro.

Velocidades simétricas

A diferencia de los servicios tradicionales, nuestro servicio de internet por fibra óptica te ofrece velocidades simétricas, lo que significa que tus subidas vuelan tan rápido como tus descargas.

Niveles de instalación

Cuando solicita nuestro servicio, estamos con usted en cada paso del camino. Elija entre dos opciones de instalación según sus necesidades.
Man focused on work using a laptop at a bright home office

Instalación estándar

/tarifa única

La instalación estándar es adecuada para usted si es un usuario promedio de internet que sabe qué es un cable Ethernet y cómo usarlo. En otras palabras, te sientes cómodo conectando todos tus accesorios Wi-Fi, como termostatos e impresoras.

  • Activación gratuita de router, módem y Wi-Fi
  • Conectaremos hasta 6 dispositivos inalámbricos
  • Cablearemos 1 dispositivo (cable Ethernet de 5 pies máximo)

Instalación avanzada

/tarifa única

¿Tienes televisores, termostatos e impresoras que necesitan una conexión a internet pero no sabes por dónde empezar? La instalación avanzada es adecuada para ti.

  • Activación gratuita de router, módem y Wi-Fi
  • Conectaremos hasta 12 dispositivos inalámbricos
  • Cablearemos 1 dispositivo (cable Ethernet de 25 pies máximo)
Incluido en todos los planes

Router de próxima generación

El Wi-Fi fuera de este mundo no es magia. Bueno, tal vez sea un poco de magia y mucho de tener el equipo adecuado. Obtén el router Wi-Fi más reciente y avanzado con tu servicio de Elevate sin costo adicional ni tarifa de alquiler.

Señal potente

Obtén cobertura de esquina a esquina para disfrutar de streaming y juegos sin interrupciones, procesamiento ultrarrápido y la última tecnología Wi-Fi 6E. En términos sencillos, eso significa que nuestra red Wi-Fi llega más rápido y más lejos.

Prioriza el ancho de banda

¿Qué conexión es más importante para ti? Ya sea tu oficina en casa o tu televisor inteligente de 75”, puedes asegurarte de que tus dispositivos más importantes reciban el ancho de banda primero.

Totalmente gestionado

¿Tienes problemas para conectar esa impresora en casa? Nosotros te ayudamos. No solo nos aseguramos de que tu Wi-Fi en casa esté configurado y funcionando, sino que también ofrecemos soporte inigualable al solucionar cualquier problema de conexión Wi-Fi de forma remota.

u6 router in a living space
Incluido en todos los planes


La aplicación todo en uno que te ayuda a administrar sin esfuerzo tus contraseñas de Wi-Fi, establecer límites de tiempo de pantalla, bloquear amenazas y priorizar los dispositivos conectados. Obtenga más información sobre ElevateIQ.
ElevateIQ app on a mobile device

Controles parentales

Active los filtros de contenido predeterminados o personalizados para restringir el acceso a contenido violento o explícito, bloquee las aplicaciones de redes sociales en los dispositivos de sus hijos hasta que sean apropiadas para su edad y establezca horarios diarios de Wi-Fi y límites de tiempo frente a la pantalla.

Administración de redes

Actualiza el nombre y la contraseña de tu red Wi-Fi, configura una red de invitados para los visitantes, comprueba quién y qué está conectado (y desactiva los dispositivos que no deberían estar allí) y asigna dispositivos a los miembros de la familia para aplicar filtros de contenido personalizados.

Programación de Wi-Fi

Apague automáticamente el internet durante un período de tiempo determinado para toda la casa o personalice la programación de la red solo para los dispositivos de los niños. Adapta tu agenda a las necesidades de tu familia o simplemente presiona pausa a cambio de algunas tareas.

Saca más provecho de tu internet

Expande tu señal Wi-Fi, protege tu equipo y más con estos beneficios adicionales.

Extensor Wi-Fi

Obtenga cobertura Wi-Fi de pared a pared para hogares más grandes.

¡Disfruta de una potente conexión Wi-Fi en todos los rincones de tu hogar! Un extensor Wi-Fi Elevate garantizará que tengas una conexión Wi-Fi sólida, ya sea que estés viendo películas en la habitación extra o jugando en el estudio. Ideal para hogares grandes o de varios pisos. Incluye una aplicación gratuita con controles parentales, filtros de contenido y seguridad adicional.

Garantía del Equipo

Los accidentes ocurren. Proteja su router con la garantía del equipo.

¡El potente router Wi-Fi que proporcionamos con cada nueva instalación tiene un valor de $200! Si dañas tu router, no tendrás que pagar por uno nuevo.

  • Incluye equipo GRATUITO
  • Se aplican tarifas de servicio estándar para la instalación

Batería de Respaldo

Mantén tu conexión a internet en funcionamiento incluso si se corta la luz.

Cuando se corta la luz, ten la tranquilidad de saber que tu servicio telefónico se mantiene en funcionamiento. Nuestras baterías de respaldo apilables se ofrecen en incrementos de 8 horas hasta un total de 24 horas.

Hogar Completo

Instalación avanzada, soporte continuo, reemplazo gratuito del router.

Disfrute de la mejor experiencia desde el principio con una instalación avanzada (valorada en $150) por el precio de una instalación estándar, además de soporte continuo para administrar las numerosas conexiones Wi-Fi de su hogar. Además, tendrá la tranquilidad adicional de saber que, si su router falla, lo reemplazaremos de forma gratuita y sin hacer preguntas.

  • 1 visita técnica doméstica GRATUITA durante el horario laboral al año
  • Visitas domiciliarias adicionales con un 50% de descuento, ilimitadas
  • Reparación o sustitución GRATUITA del router Wi-Fi
  • Hasta 3 redes Wi-Fi para invitados

Protección de Cables

Obtenga protección para los cables de fibra o CAT5 de su hogar.

Obtén reparación gratuita de tus cables de fibra o CAT5 en casa, que se dañen debido al desgaste diario. Además, reparación gratuita de los cables de fibra en el exterior de tu hogar que puedan dañarse durante tu próximo proyecto en casa, jardinería o por esos molestos roedores que les gusta masticar. Incluye materiales y mano de obra gratuitos, pero se aplica la tarifa estándar de servicio. O bien, agrega este producto a Complete Home y esas tarifas se eximirán una vez al año.

  • Cómpralo como un producto independiente o agrégalo a Hogar Completo para obtener un soporte aún mejor
  • Se aplican tarifas laborales si se compra como producto independiente

Cableado doméstico

/toma de internet
¿Necesitas ayuda con el cableado? Nuestros técnicos estarán encantados de ayudarle.

Incluye la instalación en el interior de una nueva toma de corriente y un cable nuevo desde un punto de cableado existente dentro de su hogar. Se proporcionan conectores de cable en ambos extremos y una placa de pared en la ubicación de la toma de corriente. Este producto está sujeto a las limitaciones arquitectónicas de su hogar.

Preguntas frecuentes

What kind of equipment (router or modem) is needed?

We provided every Elevate customer with a fiber modem and wireless router that supports speeds up to 6 Gbps for no extra charge. The wireless router is tri-band and scalable to reach every corner of your home.

Why do we need IPv6?

The legacy internet protocol, IPv4, exhausted its IP resources in 2014. 4.2 billion IPs had been allocated, leaving no room for new internet expansion.

Why should I bother implementing IPv6?

Eventually, you’ll have to. Major network operators and content providers already support IPv6, and as more and more deploy IPv6, native IPv6 access will not only become the norm, but more sites will only support IPv6. While translation mechanisms exist that allow access to IPv6-only sites for those that only have IPv4, these impact performance and can be difficult to troubleshoot.

If I have an IPv6 address, how do I get to an IPv4 website?

NAT64 and DNS64 are transition protocols designed to make the connections between an IPv6-only client and an IPv4-only website. This works by appending a unique prefix to the DNS response the client receives from the DNS64 server then the NAT64 route bridges the connection.

What if I move to an area Elevate doesn’t serve yet?

Well, that’s a bummer, but we understand. Since Elevate’s network is not built out everywhere yet in Montrose and Delta counties, we know that you might have to purchase internet from another provider for a bit before we're in your new neighborhood.

But there is good news! Our network has expanded to cover almost 70% of DMEA's service territory and we're on our way to 95% in the next 3 years so chances are getting better and better everyday that Elevate will be available at your hew home.

I am a home user. What do I need to do?

In short, nothing. Elevate has engineered its services to take full advantage of IPv6 without a normal user having to make any upgrades. If you use your own router, you should make sure that IPv6 is turned on, as well as on any devices you are using within the home. Most of the time, this is enabled by default.

Can I use my own equipment with Elevate’s internet service?

Elevate can connect with customer-owned gigabit routers. However, we cannot offer additional technical support or guarantee the quality of the service from customer-owned equipment.

What do I get with the ElevateIQ app?

ElevateIQ is an easy-to-use mobile app that puts the power in your hands to protect your family online, adjust your Wi-Fi password easily, see proactive notifications about potential risky websites and cyber threats, and prioritize which devices connected to your Wi-Fi get the most bandwidth.

Do I need any special devices to use the ElevateIQ app?

You can download ElevateIQ on any smart device, but it only works if you have Elevate's internet service and the router we installed in your home is either a Gigaspire or newer. Don't worry; we don't expect you to know what a Gigaspire is, though - that's our tech-nerd speak! Just click here and select the picture that matches your in-home equipment. If your equipment needs to be updated, we'll do so free of charge.

How many IPv6 addresses are there and will we run out again?

No, this is a hard number to imagine, there are 2128. That’s 340 trillion trillion trillion addresses. To put that into perspective, that is more the 99 times the number of atoms on the surface of the Earth.

What happened to IPv5?

IPv5 was an experimental protocol developed in the 1980s. IPv5 (also called the Internet Stream Protocol) was never widely deployed, and since the number 5 was already allocated, this number was not considered for the successor to IPv4. Several proposals were suggested as the IPv4 successor, and each was assigned a number. In the end, the one with version number 6 was selected.

What’s the difference between a wired and wireless internet network?

Devices connected to a network can access the internet, work together, and share information. A wired network connects devices together using Ethernet cables. This places restrictions on where you can take your devices. Wired networks are often used when there are work stations and other internet-connected devices that do not move. Wired connections can deliver higher speeds than wireless connections.  

A wireless network connects devices without using physical wires. Instead, Wi-Fi connects devices using radio waves. Many devices use wireless technology allowing you to move freely with your device and connect to the internet as long as there is an adequate signal.

Where will the router be placed?

We will always try to centrally locate your router. Our technicians will work with you to identify the ideal placement. Also, for optimal Wi-Fi signal, it should not be placed in a closed entertainment center.

Can I move my router?

Once our technicians have placed your fiber modem, we recommend you do not move it. Please contact us if you need to move your fiber modem to a different room. A technician visit fee may apply.

Is there a data cap on Elevate internet?

Nope, nada, zero, zilch - we hate data caps.

I work in IT, what should I be doing to prepare?

Remove obstacles to enabling IPv6, including identifying any legacy systems that can not be upgraded and choose a solution for them. Plan upgrades and makes purchases wisely so that when you migrate to IPv6, you’re not surprised by a key system that is incompatible with IPv6.

Can I order service if I rent my home?

Yes! We provide service to single family homes, rentals, small businesses, and corporations. You’ll just need to get permission from your landlord for us to install the service. Download the landlord permission form.

Acuerdos de servicio
What is IPv6?

IPv6 is the latest version of internet protocol intended to replace IPv4.

How do I connect to my wireless?

Your Wi-Fi SSID (the name of the wireless network as it appears on the device you are trying to connect) and WPA Key (password) are located on your Elevate router.

To connect to your WiFi, first make sure the wireless feature on the device you are using is turned on. Next, find your network (WiFi SSID) and connect your device to the signal. Enter your password (WPA Key) to complete the connection.

How much does ElevateIQ cost?

Zilch, zip, nada, nothing - ElevateIQ is included free of charge with your internet service! The only requirement is that you will need our Elevate Gigaspire or newer in-home equipment for the app to work correctly. Click here and select the picture that matches the Wi-Fi router you have in your home to get started.

What is Wi-Fi?

Your Wi-Fi network connects devices in your home or business to the internet and each other without using physical wires. The devices on the network connect wirelessly to a Wi-Fi router and together they form a wireless local area network (WLAN).

The Wi-Fi router is connected to the internet source via a broadband modem. The internet is a wide area network (WAN) that connects computers from around the world.

When it comes to your Wi-Fi, typically it is either on or off. But with Elevate, you also get ElevateIQ a smart Wi-Fi app that gives you a ton of useful features to control and monitor your home Wi-Fi. Families and grandparents prefer the parental controls, screen time limits, and content blockers. Being able to control what devices get bandwidth first is a fave of remote workers. And everyone loves being able to reset their password without have to call us.

Is your network secure?

Yes. Every home and business will have its own secure connection with passwords to access the wireless network.

What is Elevate Fiber?

Elevate Internet is the fiber broadband solution provided by Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA), your local electric co-op. Since 1938, DMEA has provided Delta and Montrose counties with essential electric services, even in remote rural locations. Our members asked us to investigate the option of providing high-speed internet to our service area, because their current providers weren’t providing the speed, reliability, and customer service necessary for today’s world. We listened and launched Elevate Internet—providing fiber internet, phone, and TV.

Beneficios de la fibra
I don’t have a problem, I just want to change my password.

Have you downloaded your ElevateIQ app yet? You can quickly change your network name and password using the app. Don't worry; it's free - no strings attached. You'll also get a full suite of parental controls, like content filters, site blocking, and screen time limits. Plus, the ability to prioritize which devices get the most bandwidth - so if you're working from home, your laptop gets speed first.

We're here to help, so give us a call at 844-386-8744 to learn more about ElevateIQ or for assistance changing your password.

Technical Help?

Elevate Tech Support is available 24/7 by calling 844-386-8744 or emailing

Soporte técnico
Do you provide a router?

It’s your choice! We can provide and install a powerful Wi-Fi router free of charge and configure your internal and guest Wi-Fi networks. We can also configure our service as a bridged handoff to your router or firewall. We will work directly with your IT support team to ensure your connection is built to your preferences.

What is a Wi-Fi router?

The Wi-Fi router will bring our services into your home and support all broadband connections. During installation, our technicians will set up and show you how to use your new wireless network.

Wired connections to the router will provide the fastest speeds, but the Wi-Fi router will also create a powerful wireless network in your home or business to ensure all devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and smart TVs can connect wirelessly.

Do I own the router?

No. Elevate retains ownership so that we can support the device and any troubles you may experience. We do not charge a monthly lease. Elevate will replace the router free of charge if the device malfunctions due to manufacturer issues. If you choose to stop purchasing service from us, you are required to return your router to avoid an unreturned equipment fee.

Will I be able to hardwire devices to the router?

Yes. The router is equipped with four traditional ethernet ports to which you can physically connect computers and other devices.

What is fiber internet?

Fiber, short for fiber-optic lines, is actually tiny strands of glass that carry data (aka the internet) using lightwaves. In contrast, traditional DSL or cable connections are traditionally copper wires that transmit data using electricity. It is faster and more reliable to transmit the internet on fiber-optic lines.

Beneficios de la fibra
What technical support is available without charge?

During a basic installation, Elevate technicians will ensure your router is properly installed and your Wi-Fi network is fully blanketing your home, up to 1,500 square feet. They will also help you connect 1 wired device and up to 6 wireless device, free of charge.

Elevate's 24/7 tech support, available by calling 877-386-8744 or emailing is provided to all consumers free of charge. Our techs will remotely troubleshoot your router to help identify issues, provide assistance, and offer solutions over the phone. Service call fees may apply for on-site visits. If you’d like additional assistance, consider purchasing our Complete Home plan.

Soporte técnico
Will the router support a printer that is also a fax machine?

Yes. The router Elevate provides is designed to handle state-of-the-art equipment and the fastest internet speeds available in this universe (and beyond. . .maybe).

What do the lights on my router mean?

Check out the list below to better understand what some of the lights on your router mean.

Power: A solid green light means your router is turned on and has power. If the light is off, the router is not powered on.

Broadband: A solid green light means your router is connected to Elevate’s network and is receiving our signal. If this light is off or red, it indicates a problem with your connection.

Service: A green light means your router is online with internet  service. This light will blink when transferring data. If this light is off or red, it indicates a problem with your internet service.

WiFi 2.4GHz and 5GHz (*subjective to 844 only): A green light indicates the wireless network is on and operational. These lights will blink when transferring data. No lights indicate a problem with your WiFi.

Ethernet, Phone, USB: When the corresponding ports on the back of your router are in use, these will light up green and blink.

Can I turn off the Wi-Fi?

Yes, but really, why would you? You do have the option to disable the Wi-Fi signal on your router and only connect to the internet through your hardwired devices.

What kind of equipment (router or modem) is needed? What is the cost?

As an Elevate Internet customer, you will be supplied with a Wi-Fi router that is built to handle up to 1 Gig internet speeds. If you opt for our 6 Gig package, you'll receive an even more robust router that offers the all-new Wi-Fi 6E, which is the only Wi-Fi network that can broadcast more than 1 Gig wirelessly! The cost of the router is included in the $100 installation fee. We will provide you with a powerful tri-band wireless network that is easily scalable to reach every corner of even the largest homes.
