Two Elevate installers working outside

Building the Elevate Fiber Network

See Every Step of the Process

It takes time to build a blazing fast fiber network and we want you to be informed every step of the way, from preregistration to live service in your home.

Launched in 2016 by your local electric cooperative, DMEA, Elevate's fiber network is being built from the ground up. Our goal? To provide access to the best broadband service around to each and every community within DMEA’s service territory across Delta and Montrose counties, even those in the most remote areas.


Zones: We’ve divided our service territory into zones. Preregistrations in these zones help us to identify areas of interest. Once we have identified zones of interest we can start the process of seeking funding to extend our fiber network to interested zone. Click here to see all our zones.

Preregistration: This is just our fancy word for expressing interest. Our service isn’t available everywhere yet, but we want to hear from you anyway. When you preregister, you’re not committing to a contract or ordering service. You’re simply telling us you want our service when it becomes available. When construction begins in your zone, we’ll reach out to confirm details and complete your signup.

Stay updated: Yep, you guessed it. You can find the latest and greatest updates about our construction timeline, where service is available, and more at and on our Facebook page.

Elevate Customer Service Representatives
Woman creating maps in GIS mapping software on a desktop computer

Design and Preconstruction

Design: Our team of engineers map out the most efficient and reliable way to bring fiber to your area. In general, our lines typically follow the same path as DMEA’s power lines.

Make ready: This includes important work like tree trimming, trenching for underground conduit, installing the main fiber pathway, and installing important fiber equipment at points throughout the community.


Construction: We will build our network, burying our underground and hanging overhead fiber cables in your neighborhood. During this phase, crews will be trenching or boring for our underground cables, and the ground and dirt will be disturbed within our rights-of-way. Crew members will also use bucket trucks or climb power poles to complete overhead line construction.

Testing: Data (the internet) is transported on fiber lines using light waves. Before we connect your home, we test our fiber lines to make sure the path is clear for light to travel. Yep, Elevate internet truly travels at the speed of light.

Elevate crews working on lines in a bucket truck
Elevate installers having a conversation on a bucket truck


Schedule your appointment: Near the end of the construction phase, we reach out to let you know service is available. Once you sign a service agreement, a customer service representative will reach out to schedule your installation, typically two weeks from the time you sign up.

Locates: Workers from other utilities and contractors must accurately locate buried electric, gas, water, and other telecom lines. All locates must be complete before we install your new line.

Outside equipment: Once locates are complete, our outside construction crews will bring fiber directly to your home and install a small grey telecommunications box called the demarc box.

Home install: Our install tech will run fiber from the demarc box that we installed during construction directly into your home. They will also install your Wi-Fi router, activate your Wi-Fi network, test the range, walk you through signing on to your network, and make sure you are 100% comfortable with your new service before they leave.


24/7 tech support: We know nothing in life is guaranteed, internet included. So, we’re ready to help you through any issue you might experience with your service. Our 24/7 tech support can be reached any time, day, or night.

Call us: Give us a ring at 844-386-8744 to report issues, ask questions, or, ya know, tell us how we helped you love the internet again.

Email us: We can’t solve tech issues over email, but we can answer a whole host of other questions like questions about billing, new products, service transfers, and more. Send us a note by emailing

Elevate customer service representative on the phone with a customer

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is fiber better than traditional cable?

Fiber is known for being “future-proof,” meaning the fiber we install today will be able to handle increased data loads as the need for more speed increases. Fiber technology makes it possible to deliver 6 Gig (6,000 Mbps) internet speeds today and to grow those speeds right along with your needs.

Fiber is more reliable than other types of network and less prone to interference and complications from lightning and other natural elements. Fiber internet also tends to raise the property value of homes by as much as $5,000.

Benefits of Fiber
Why is there a preregistration process?

Elevate is owned and operated by a rural electric cooperative, Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA). When the co-op launched Elevate in 2016, DMEA's Board of Directors chose to move forward in a phased-in approach to protect co-op ratepayers and the financial integrity of the electric cooperative. Before construction could begin in an area, a pre-determined number of members needed to preregister.

Today, more than 70% of DMEA members have access to our fiber network, and the preregistration process is used to gather interest from community members in areas where we don't yet have service. When you preregister now, you're adding your name to the list to be contacted when service is available.

What does it mean when I preregister?

By preregistering, you are expressing interest in taking service when Elevate comes to your community. You aren't making any financial or legal commitments; instead, you're letting us know so we can get in touch with you when internet service is available at your home!

What will I have to pay when I preregister?

There is no payment collected during preregistration. We ask for your contact information and if you are interested in for your home, business, or both.

I am not sure if my location is eligible to preregister?

The entire DMEA service territory is eligible for preregistration! Our construction pipeline is full – very full – for the next few years, and we expect to have service available to 95% of DMEA’s territory by 2027. It’s in your best interest to preregister so we can quickly let you know when your home can get service. Get started by checking availability at your address.

Is there a deadline to preregister and what are the benefits of preregistering now?

Nope, there is no deadline. Our goal is to bring fiber internet to every DMEA member, and we won't stop until we meet that goal. The benefit of preregistering now, though, is that your name is on the list and you'll be one of the first people contacted when service is available.

What does the construction process entail and what is the timeline?

Constructing a fiber optic network is a complex and lengthy process. Numerous contractors are involved in each phase of construction: pre-construction, construction, and home installation. On average, it takes 3 to 6 months to complete the following phases.

Pre-construction – also called make ready – includes the prep work that may need to be completed on DMEA's electric grid before Elevate can install fiber cables. This work includes tree and vegetation management, pole replacements, moving equipment or wires, and installing fiber equipment throughout the community. The length of time it takes to complete pre-construction can vary significantly.

Construction includes building our underground and overhead fiber optic network in your neighborhood. During this phase, crews will be trenching or boring for our underground cables, and the ground and dirt will be disturbed within our rights-of-way. Crew members will also use bucket trucks or climb power poles to complete overhead line construction.

Now for the best part, home installation. During this phase, we bring service directly to your home and install a grey communications box, called a demarcation box, on the side of your home. This box is where the outside fiber lines will connect with the inside fiber lines that are placed during your in-home service installation. During your home installation, our technicians will install your modem and router, plus activate your home Wi-Fi network, including setting up your wireless network name and password. They will also hardwire one device to your router (up to a 5' ethernet cable) and connect up to 6 wireless devices.

Construction Process
How will you install fiber if my service is underground?

Elevate's fiber cable will, for the most part, follow DMEA’s power lines. Therefore, if your electric service is overhead, your fiber service will also run overhead. If your electric service is underground, Elevate will bury a fiber cable approximately 10” to 12” deep along the same path as your underground power line.
