Elevate Hit 15K!

We're celebrating reaching 15,000 subscribers. Participate in our 15K challenge and be entered to with prizes!
Join us in this group challenge where you choose to run, walk, bike ride, hike, or swim a total of 15 miles over the month of August 2024. Track you progress on the Strava app and share you journey with us. We will select 15 lucky winners who complete the challenge to receive special rewards. Lace up your shoes, hop on you bike, or hit the pool, and let's elevate our fitness together!
Who: YOU! Anyone age 14+ in DMEA/Elevate's service territory can participate in the 15K challenge!
What: Run, walk, bike, hike, or swim 15 miles in the month of August 2024. Any combination of these activities is welcome.
Why: Elevate hit 15,000 subscribers! We wouldn't be able to do this without our incredible communities.
Where: Anywhere you can run, walk, bike, hike, and/or swim in the DMEA/Elevate service area.
How: Download the Strava app on your smartphone (paid subscription not required), join our club called ‘Elevate 15K!’, record your activity in Strava, and post each activity to Elevate15K! during August 1-31* for a chance to win sweet prizes awarded to 15 winners in September!
*Each activity must be posted to our Strava Club 'Elevate 15K!' by August 31, 2024 to win prizes.