Intrinzik, Montrose

Now with 4k Camera Coverage Thanks to Elevate Internet!
Josh Fabian has been a touring musician since 2000, playing the bass in his band, Triptihkal, which sports an instrumental rock and funk vibe. Inspired by his love of live music, Josh opened live music venue, Intrinzik, in August 2017 in Montrose.
A few things you should know about Intrinzik
Open Jam Session
Every Tuesday Intrinzik hosts open jam sessions. Are you in a band, starting a band, or just want space to let your musical energy out, contact Josh to find out more.
Ladies Night
Thursday night is always Ladies Night at Intrinzik. What that includes for all the ladies is a free live show and $2 drink specials at the largest tap in town. One recent ladies’ night show featured Collidoscope, a Funktronic Jam trio from the soul of Denver.
Wound Up
Josh describes Wound Up Wednesdays as “a new thrown together band, doing a 90-minute set. No practice, no rehearsal, just vibing off each other to present the world with some new fresh, better be there to see it, music”.
Recent Talent
Josh has been able to attract some impressive talent to our small town such as:
Jonathan Scales Fourchestra, if you don't already know who they are, you should consider checking them out.
Avenhart, a self-proclaimed “Denver-based indie folk band striving to simultaneously break your heart and put it back together”.
Suckafish, a three-piece original rock/reggae band out of Grand Junction.
So you’ve got Tuesday Night Open Jam Sessions, Wound Up Wednesdays, Thursday Ladies' Night, the largest tap in town, daily Happy Hour from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., and extraordinary talent at Intrinzik. If you haven’t made Intrinzik a regular stop on nights out, maybe now is the time.
A full list of events can be found here-
Elevate and Intrinzik
Intrinzik Music Venue boasts 1 GIG internet connectivity from Elevate. Josh’s favorite part about having Elevate’s GIG is the ability to stream live shows to his almost 6,000 regular viewers. Every show that Josh streams live is recorded on his four 4k cameras that wouldn't be possible without Elevate's GIG. Want to follow them, go here-
Our trip to Intrinzik in Montrose, was yet another story of how passion, hard work, and dedication enlivened an entrepreneurial spirit in the wild west of Colorado! Elevate Internet is proud to be able to share in small part to another community success story.